Today's Quote
Every burden is a blessing.
Walt Kelly

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Movie that Was Not

I have been to many movies which I end sleeping through the show instead of making my money worth its while. The last time that I slept through a movie sound asleep not knowing what happened was watching Elektra. I only remembered waking up mid way through the show and seeing the Jennifer Garner doing the most mind bobbling mid-air leg spread which every one in the right sense would know that it is impossible. As soon as she completes the mid-air split, my brain quickly switches off to the end of the show. I supposed the only thing that I enjoyed about the movie was her red latex jumpsuit.... what's up with that dude. I can only imagine what she had to go through putting it on and taking it off. :-) Well at least if I am there watching her taking it off it will be a treat of a lifetime.

I was extremely disappointed watching Indiana Jones after all the hype about the show, I am forced to realised that Harrison Ford is just getting too old. I like many others have reached a movie buff conclusion that it is simply impossible to top an iconic, legendary film or series. The original can't be beat, and is next to impossible to match. Doesn't matter who directs, stars, the effects, etc - can't be done. Crystal Skull simply let us down on the simple stuff. I seriously, faithfully and eagerly wanted to love the movie - but I was disappointed.

George Lucas and the other old guy 'Steven Spielberg' (Sorry dude I forgot your name for an instance and had to google it" had said that they were all waiting for the "right" script to make another Indy film - that sounded good. But it appears that wasn't really true. I have to assume they all just decided the timing was "right" and it would be fun to get the old group together to do a flick - because the script was poor. The movie is more like an attempt at what an Indiana Jones adventure SHOULD look like - but with no real substance. A series of Indiana like dangerous situations and exploits strung together loosely with some attempts at humor thrown in. But no clear beginning to end plot. No disaster to avert, no one to rescue. Nothing in particular to root for... The actors seemed a bit uncomfortable to me - even Harrison Ford himself.

What I couldn't fathom was how they have decided to throw in Spiderman or George the Jungle scene into the show by having Shia Lebouf (who played Indy's unknown son) to rope from trees to trees with a herd of monkeys (least I think it is). And the best of all, by sheer unknown forces in the universe the monkeys all decided to help and knows who to pounce on. If only the world is that perfect.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed seeing Indy again, but my hope that I'd be wanting to go again didn't pan out. It's worth only one visit - and that just to see some Indiana Jones LIKE adventures - in a story that doesn't make much sense.

And what with the UFO thingy... think Georgie should stick SCI FI to Star Wars instead.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Beginning

It has been several months now that I have been thinking about plunging myself into the fray of Internet blogging.... What is the hype about it that has gotten people from all walks of life, the politicians sitting comfortably in their ivory towers, to the students with their care free life, to the auntie and uncles who worries what the future holds for them to each immerse themselves in the ecstasy of blogging.

Is Internet blogging the new fag in the world of Internet highway...? There is thousands of websites in the Internet superhighway that will teach any curious blogger wannabe how to set up a blog. Setting up a blog now is as easy as making yourself a 3-1 instant hot drink, I supposed it is getting so convenient that the instant drink is more an effort than setting up a personal blog.

I have been through several blog websites. Some captures their personal day to day experiences whilst others are more proactively into netizens the new citizens journalism.

As I sat behind the screen of my laptop asking myself why had i waited this long to have a blog of myself, I could not quite come up with a satisfactory answer. I guess I ejaculated late into the frenzy. But I supposed the main reasons why I am a late bloomer could voiced down to two factors, time and commitment. I am unsure if I would be able commit the time in my schedule and remain committed to the up keeping of the blog in time to come. I supposed as the saying goes... only time will tell.

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