We are now forced to wonder, whether today's youth are soft, given that most are mollycoddled in air-conditioned rooms, with maids tending to their every needs, whimps and fancy. Let us faced it, the past 20 years or so, our youths are brought up in an environment where television, computers and the creatures comfort of technology and wealth surrounds their whole senses. The National Physical Assessment test or NAPHA has been used to gauge the fitness level of our youths, however by now we must realised that the results itself is fallacious and not a true standards of means of measurement. The higher passing rate amongst our youth in the NAPHA test which is being equate as a fitter group of youths are only as a result of the students being better prepared for the tests which are becoming viewed like one more subject that they needed to aced. But once achieved it has no added values to ones one well-being.
Many would say why draw the distinction, why argue over synaptics and verb? Is there any difference between tough and fit. Personally, I would say Yes !!. Being tough means able to withstand harsh weather, poor living conditions, even poorer rations, and still able to go on an extended trek, like an all terrain 4 wheeler which can run on any surface. On the other hand, being fit means being tuned like a Ferrari, well oiled and polished but only able to perform when conditions are right.
I remembered almost a decade ago when I had to go through my Basic Training at the Academy, we were made to carry ten kilogram back pack and dorned full operational equipment when going through our Standard Obstacle Course. The SOC entails running 1.4 km around the field and having to plough through 10 obstacles. At the end of the last obstacles we were made to run the remaining 1 km before finding ourself at the weapons range where we were made to shoot 10 rounds. The accuracy of the 10 rounds hitting its target goes towards the final classification of our shooting skills. Now it seems that those kinda of training has been scraped and replaced with something which is said to me more scientifically based. The training of the now focuses on the thinking process using all sorts of technology and advancement and focusing less and less of physical endurance.
Our generation, grow up in a relatively secure and comfortable environment compared to our parents' generation. The yester years of nation building has had it toils on the previous generation where they had to work their sweat out to make it to where we are now. It makes me wonder if the current environment makes young people too pampered to take up hardships and achieve more in life. Are young people able to take up the challenges of a competitive and globalised economy in the near future? I supposed only time will tell.
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