How long has it been since we had the courtesy campaign launched in Singapore all in the effort to promote a more gracious society?
I remembered when I was still in primary school we used to have this kindness movement activities being held in school where there is this weird looking yellow bear that goes around giving out pencils. I was one of those curious ones amongst hundreds others that would actually made the effort to skip lunch or recess time to just have the opportunity to shake its hand. I have never really understood what the event is all about, all we cared was the opportunity to collect the pencils that were being handed out.
Fast forward more than 20 years, I got wiser and more aware of what is going on. I began to appreciate national campaigns but one of those campaigns that never failed to amuse me is the courtesy campaign.
How far are we towards achieving a gracious society from the many decades of courtesy campaigns? Year in and year out and many campaigns after have we become a more evolved society? My two cents worth is that we are still far far away from reaching the same standards of graciousness that our neighbors far north, the Thais have without having to spend millions in campaigns, posters and advertisement.
The Private Lavatory
I took a ride up the escalator to my friend's house during the festive visit in a newly upgraded block. The walk along the pavement was an enjoyable with rows of plants being planted along side the kerb and the beautifully lit gardens. Waiting at the elevator lobby, I pressed the call button and read the posters being displayed at the notice boards. As the elevator door opens a familiar smell hit my nose, the same smell that you would expect when you visit a coffeeshop or the old hawker stores public toilets. Right at the corner of the lift where the buttons panel were, a pool of urine stained the floor and the side of the lift walls. It really boils me !! Why can't this idiot hold their bladder and just do it at home instead of a public elevator. I wonder how would they feel if I were to urinate in front of their doorstep I am sure they will be perturbed by it. If they really have problem holding on to their bladder may I suggest bringing along a rubber band for them to tie their freaking "dick" with. Rubber band is free for god sake.
Morning Madness
I supposed one of the other reasons why I have given up on public transport was that I hate the experience of taking the MRTs during peak hours. I would rather be burden by the cost of fuel rather then having to endure the attitude of many Singaporeans whenever they are taking public trains. The last time I took the train was about a month ago when I had to attend a course at city. Thinking that going public may be a good idea vis-a-vis having to pay the never ending gantries along the expressway I decided to immerse myself with the experience of going public again. When I was at the platform waiting for the train several other commuters were already waiting looking anxiously. A lady with a baby troller was amongst many commuters waiting for the train. As the train arrives, everyone rushes in, into the train without having any regard to the lady. She had to wait for everyone to alight and enter before making her way in. I followed behind her noticing the disgusted look of many other commuters who apparently was unhappy having to make way for the trolley. For god sake, what is their problem? Cant they just shift their asshole and heavy feet a few inches to make way for her. I wouldn't want to even start commenting on the ever pretenders in the train who had the opportunity to sit. There will be those who will close their eyes in an apparent attempt to sleep but would miraculously be awake when their stop approached. They will be another group who would shifts their eyes all over the place apparently reading every posters and notices that their eyes could set on. In that particular moment even the instructions on how to stop the train during emergency seems like an interesting reading materials. Then there would be those would just pretend to not see anything and acts like as if their seat as their right and the asshole is glued to it. I have had to push my way out of the train when my stop arrives. Don's Singaporean ever learned how to queue and wait for the passengers to alight first. I would have think that if there are anything that Singaporeans are good at they are the masters of queuing up.
Tissue Booking
Then there are those who places their tissue paper at the coffeshop table during lunch time and leaves to order their food. I have had this experience when I was at Adam Road's food centre during lunch time. As the lunch crowd starts to swell, my friends and I managed to locate an available table that was vacant. We sat on the table and my friend noticed a packet of tissue paper on the table. Thinking that it was left behind by the previous patron we happily took slides by slides of the tissue to wipe on the table and our selves. Before long, four Chinese ladies all with food in tray came and rudely told us that the table is theirs. Apparently it seems that the tissue paper that were placed on the table is an indication that the table has been booked by them. I have never realised that there is such a policy of booking table using their tissue and whoever came up with such a dumb ass idea? May I suggest that in future instead of putting their tissue could we instead put handphones or wallets instead? Least I know that the table is occupied provided that the handphone or wallet is still there by the time they returned.
The Dog Walker
Don't get me wrong. I love dogs even though I can't have one. I find them huggable and cute except for those bulldog breed. I am sorry.. just hate how they look. But I couldn't stand those owners that behave like their pet or even worst of. Just yesterday, I had just completed my run around my estate and was warming down at the park stretching myself and giving myself time whilst my breath catches up with me and to check if I had left behind any part of myself whilst running without realising it. :-). Just as I was sitting at the side of the running track a lady was letting loose her dog whilst she was busy talking on the phone. Just then the dog poo in the middle of the track and as if it is suffering from some constipation problem a mere distance later, it poo again. The lady looked at the dog and just walked away leaving the two spots in the middle of the track alone as if expecting that there is gonna be a maid tagging behind her to pick it up after her.
I gave the lady the disgusted looked and asked her if she realised that her dog had poo in the middle of the track. She gave me a quizzical look, (I supposed the only stupid look that she can afford to have) glanced over, said a half hearted sorry and walked away. I asked if she should at least pick it up after her and her look turned from that of quizzical to total bewilderment. (Still believe me she looks stupid). She picked her dog up after her and jog off. I just hope that her dog would poo on her sorry ass instead.
So Are We a Gracious Society?
So tell me? Are we a gracious society. I supposed that we are far from it. AFter many millions spent on campaigns after campaigns, adverts and billboards, Singaporeans by far are no more gracious then we used to be decades ago.
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