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Monday, March 23, 2009

Change - The Only Constant Thing in Life

There is an old adage that says, the Only Constant Thing in Life is Change. I must say that I am not a big fan of change myself. I am one of those that gets comfortable with the status quo and live on conformity. When it comes to change, I will be the first one to react adversely to it.

But I have learned in life that the only constant thing is 'Change'. It is something inevitable and unavoidable. No matter how you hold dear to what you have now, and advocate the concept of remaining status quo, change will crepe its way in us unexpectedly.

My line of work and what I do, changes comes in such rapid that at times you do not even have any opportunity to sit back and catch a breath. By the time you open your eyelids everything have taken a new perspective.
I was transferred to a new department, with new working peers, new subordinates, new boss and new challenges. Though the job itself is not something new and nothing out of the ordinary it is the thought of working in a totally new environment from one that you are used to for the past one year that made me dread. I dread the thoughts of having to settle down all over again, having to form new relationship, having to get to know new peoplw, having to appreciate your subordinates strengths and weaknessess and most importantly having to figure out your BOSS work ethics.
But I supposed this is something which is just unavoidable. No matter how I hate changes, still it is something that will force its way into us no matter how much you resist. The force of change is just to strong for one to withstand.
But on the brighter side of things, it is through these changes in your life that you will know what you are capable of. It is the experimentation in life that you will know your strengths and weaknesses, what you are capable of doing and what you lack the expertise in. It is through these changes that will spur you on to greater heights in life, personally or in you career and if one would to ask me now if I have any regrets, my answer would be 'NO'.
I have expended my knowledge and my horizon. I have deepen my depth in life and along the way made new friends and less enemy I hope. When you sit back and think back in your life, it is the past friendship that have been formed that you would really treasure. All those moments of laughter and hardship that strengthen your resolute further and your outlook in life.
So the next time that change come knocking on my door, I will welcome it with an open arms and embrace it for all the opportunities that it will bring.

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