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Friday, January 2, 2009

The Beautiful tunes of Bagpipes

I have always been fascinated as a child by the sound that is produced from the pipes. The first time that I attended a pipe band assemble was many years ago when I attended a parade ceremony in UK where they have pipes bands from differents states performing under the baton of a single major. The tune that they played which I remembered till now was 'Highland Cathedral'

The melody composed for the bagpipes was written by German musicians Ulrich Roever and Michael Korb[1] in a Scottish style. It has been proposed as the Scottish national anthem to replace unofficial anthems Scotland the Brave and/or Flower of Scotland. It has subsequently undergone various orchestrations and had lyrics added in English and in Scottish Gaelic.

And who could ever forget another all time favourite tune, 'Amazing Grace' This tune has never failed to move me to tears whenever I hear it.

Abide with Me" is a Christian hymn written by Henry Francis Lyte in 1847 while he lay dying from tuberculosis; he survived only a further three weeks after its completion. The hymn is a prayer for God to remain present with the speaker throughout life, through trials, and through death. The first verse is probably the most well-known:

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