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Saturday, January 10, 2009

I have been to 3 continents in 4 hours !!!

It is one of those rare occasions that I have no plans and end up spending my whole day at home resting and lazing on my bed. I had completed my PC games, Star Wars Rebellion a strategy game which I had bought almost a year back and never gotten around to play it. Waking up early in the morning, I had a quick glass of milk and put on my running shorts and shoes and ran a quick 3 miles jog around my neighbourhood. Though the sun was covered by the thick clouds that suddenly appeared out of nowhere as is they know that I am going to run, the lack of sun was compensated by a cool strong breeze that blew endlessly.

A quick shower thereafter, I completed a stage in the game and was quickly bore by it from all the planning and strategies that is required. No matter what I do, I end up losing big time. All the cheats that I installed to make the game less painful does not seems to help me progress. I am resigned to the fate of losing and I realised that I 'sucks' big time in playing game.

I end my game prematurely not even bothering to save the game that I have played and turned on the cable television. Switching from one movie channels to the other, I watched in passing all the reruns of movies that were played. Sigh... the only day that I am at home without anything to do, there is not even a single good movie being played. HBO is playing a movie which was produced in the 70s, even before I was born. am certain that most of the actors are either dead or dying, that I am certain as I could not even recognised a single actors.

I turned the local TV and a drama sitcom was being played. Yet another cheap local drama production which has no entertainment value. As I was just about to turn off the television. I accidentally switched to Discovery Travel channel. The channel was showing a series about the best steak in America and I was brought from one state to another in America where supposedly the best steak exists. Hmmmm that is interesting. For a change something that I have never watched before. I have never been to the states but watching the show, I was exposed to across the states from the North to the West, from New York to LA to Texas.

As the show came to a conclusion, another travel show was aired where i was brought to the mysterious Mediterranean. Depicting Marrakesh, I was exposed to Mediterranean culture and cooking and watched as they host savour in Mediterranean cooking at its best. One hour after the other another travel show was aired and without realising it I spent a good portion of my afternoon infront of the television.

I have been to 3 continents in four countries all in the comfort of my bed. That is the power of cable vision. It is interesting how the advent of television has changed one perspective of the world. I supposed when the television was first invented, it was never with the intention of bringing the world to the viewer but now that is what it has been achieved. Next to electricity, I think television is best invention ever made that has a huge impact on our lives. Just imagine, the cultural and race that one can see, the countries and places that one experience without even having to leave their own country. Why even bother to line up for an air ticket and be subjected to the hassle of airport security and long flights just to experience another cultural, you can have all that just by a click of a button. You want a better view of the world, get a bigger television set. With my 42" LCD television I was able to immerse myself with different cultural.

Of course nothing beats having the real experience, sweating it out and drowning yourself with the smell and sight of the real thing, but I supposed if you are unable to travel, the television serves the same purpose.

I learnt where the best steak in America is being served, I have learnt how kebab is being prepared, I have learnt what the Haitians staple food is, I have learnt how my best Bryani rice is being cooked in India, I have learnt the history of the Moguls and the Shahs of India and I have also learnt why the Haitians placed high importance on body tattoo as a transaction to adulthood. All this was learnt not by me going over to each individual country but by sitting infront of the television set.

The advances in television technology wonders still surprise us and make us wanting more and more. Television has became so popular all over the world now and there is no country, region or village where people don't know what a TV is. Television is the main source of our information. Daily people listen and watch a short news sequence that provides us with the necessary information and keeps informed during the day. Also, no doubt, television is the way to entertain oneself, for it offers a variety of possibilities to have fun sitting on your couch and relaxing.

For me, I have found a new channel that is now safely said to be my favourite. I do not mind giving up my movie channels but I will never give up on my information channels. At least not for now. Till the day come where I can retire and travel the world. I will travel the world in the comfort of my own room.

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