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Friday, February 13, 2009

What's with the 'Mushiness' on Feb 14?

What is with Valentine's day, I still do not understand. My friends were asking me on the eve 0f Valentine's Day what my plans were for the 'V' Day. I just answered them, stay at home and catch up with my reading. They each either gave me a bemused look or gave me the impression that I am the most unromantic fellow ever to walk on the face of the earth. I am maybe one of those dying breed that do not and could not really appreciate the relevancy of significance of Valentines Day to even give it a damn. And seriously looking at all my other colleagues straight or otherwise that went heads over heels to plan and execute the most romantic Valentine's Day, I am left to ponder why even bother. Why do u really have to specifically plan something so special on one day of the year for that special ones of yours when you have 364 other days to do that?

To add insult to injury even my gay friends have plans for Valentine's day. A closeted gay friend of mine who I got to know of his sexual preference by chance confided with me that his boyfriend had planned for a romantic dinner in a restaurant at a hotel. And the only question that I had for him was "Dude, two guys in a romantic restaurant at a hotel during Valentine's Day, everyone will know that you guys are gays !!" For a moment he was dumbfounded by the directness of my remarks but the next thing that he did was to call his boyfriend and beg for the dinner to be cancelled. Well shoot me if I break Cupid's arrow but who cares.

I can only imagine the number of roses that had been cannibalised on 14 February only to end up in the dustbin, all withered and frail the following day. I can also only imagine the number of holes that were burnt 'mostly on the guys' and the new strands of grey hairs emerging to think and plan for that romantic night.

A girl friend of mine was telling me how she had hinted to her boyfriend how she loves to have a LV bag for Valentine's day. My only thought was "What a Bitch?' I am just glad she is not my girlfriend else I would have dumped her a long time ago. My heart goes to the poor soul that called himself her boyfriend.

I however could not helped it but to drag myself out of bed on Valentine's day and joined a friend of mine for dinner. Like me, he to does not celebrate Valentine's Day but his unlike me was not out of choice but more of circumstances as he had just broke out with his girlfriend of 5 years. My Valentine's Day, believe it or not end up to me a day of listening where I had to endure half a night of listening to his heart felt sorrow and stories. 'Yucks' how glad I am not to be in any relationship.

My friend was telling me how I could not really appreciate the true meaning and significance of Valentine's Day until I am in a relationship myself, but looking at all the emotional baggage and complication that comes with it, I think I would gladly passed it off in a heartbeat. Life as it is is already so complicated, why do you have to add to it?

As I walked around Clarke Quay making my way through crowds of couples, gays and straights, I could not helped but wonder, so what will tomorrow brings? Will their emotional ties and feelings be further strengthened after tonight when dawn breaks?

I think people who merely greet their loved ones with "I Love YOU"s the whole year through are more sincere than any chocolates or flowers or diamond rings can be. I guess I'm too unromantic to even bother about all these so I'm being sour grapes. Valentine's Day is over-commercialised these days and I think St Valentine himself is turning in his grave knowing what a mockery a celebration in his name has turned out to be.

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