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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Battle of the BULGE

Before you guys go on wondering what I was talking about... this is not an X-rated blog yeah....! Nope I am not referring to the bulge that many of us would very much like to flaunt in public, though there are laws here which make that an offence, alas. I am referring to the bulge from the waist up and the chest down.

There seems to be a phenomena going on here. Women wants to be skinny whilst men are just happy being fat. Let us face it, we men do not spent countless hours infront of the mirror looking at our body inside out, left to right, front and back trying to find all the minor imperfection that may or may not be there.

But I supposed that is changing now. I couldn't care less that I had a "small' tummy back then, ok... fine quite a prominent one, before I went for my 9 months training, but since lossing quite a substantial amount of weight, and seeing remarkably how my tummy has shrunk to the envy of many I couldn't help it but fall into the category of the 'Metropolitan SensitiveNew Age Guy' who wants to look good and 'fit'. And yeah, I am now taking a longer time dressing then a woman does.

Being fat is longer the sexy thing to be. Sporting a stomach in public is longer a fashion statement that you are prosperous. I couldn't help it back then to suck in my tummy whenever I am in public and letting go a sigh of relief once in a while when I think no one is looking.

I now run 4 km three t imes a week and 8 km once every 2 weeks just to keep that weight down. I supposed watching 300 and all those godly figured Spartan men has inspired me to a certain extend that if they can, I can too !!

It has been quite an ardous task to get my buddies and friends to run with me, most of them will give me the disgusted look like they heard me saying profanity for the first time whenever I suggest to them to come with me for a run. I have resigned to the fate.... I will always be running alone.

Rain or Shine, thunder or lightning you will see me braving the weather to fulfill my commitment. You used to have to push me off my bed and pull me on a leash to get me to run, now I am an addict to running. Without running for a week, I feel like as is I had put on 10 kg.

At least I rest with comfort on the knowledge that I may not be alone. Whenever I went for my running regime, I will see others hot on their heels. I supposed sweating it out gets my alderalin running and make me forget all the problems of the day.

So you guys.... come on fight the bulge.

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