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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sex...... I Just Couldn't Get It

I have just completed the final episode of the 6th seasons of Sex & the City. The series marathon started about two weeks ago when I managed to land myself on the complete 6 season series box. I realised that I am like 4 years behind with the final episode aired in 2004 resulting in thousands of upscale urban women grieving. But I supposed that it is better late than never.

Finishing the final episode in the 6th season where Carrie Bradshaw reunite with Mr Big, finally for god sake, I am forced to wonder what is the whole episodes all about. Apart from the raunchy sex scenes that seems to dominate one episode after another, I couldn't seems to fathom what the phenomena behind the whole show is all about that makes woman rush back home from work ignoring their boyfriend calls and pleas to meet or their husband's needs for attention. I supposed the only two group of people that would rush back to catch the show are the ladies and the gays who would love to see the sculptured and good to be true models.

While I would normally enjoy anything that promises explicit sex scenes and female nudity, Sex and the City is too much of a girly talk to sit through just for a chance to see 52 year old Kim Cattrall who played Samantha Jones naked. I almost dropped of my seat when I realised how old she is. Damn..... all ladies out there must get hold of her plastic surgeon address. I can just imagine how many yards of skin has been removed to make it tight or plucky.

I was googling Kim Cattrall on the World Wide Web and was flabbergasted when I realised that she had ever acted in one of my all time favourite movie, Star Trek - The Undiscovered Country. Thank god that she was fully clothed in the movie. I am glad that she is not in anytime soon ever going to appear in any of Star Trek movies, I dare not imagine what will happen if both the two fan bases were to collide, the result itself will cause the cosmos to collapse.

However, despite my criticism about the movie, I must admit that there are heart warming and lightening moments in the series. The backbone of the show was the eternal human dilemmas the four friends faced: the fear of commitment versus a ticking biological clock; the difference between being cherished and being consumed; the tension between pleasure and sacrifice. The characters struggle with whether worldly success had any meaning without Mr. Right. Even as true love eluded them, they provided each other the support needed to keep going— celebrated each other's love interests and sexual exploits and consoled each other through serial humiliations, sexually transmitted diseases, abortions, and loneliness.

The centuries old questions, Is it true that you're nobody until somebody loves you? Can women have sex like men? Can we be happy alone? seems central in the development of the whole plot. In pursuit of the answers the four characters changed sexual partners as often as I changed my underwear and disposed them off as easily as, hmmmm wait I was just about to say my underwear too, but I dont. Every relationship that the characters went through distant themselves from the emotional and economic securities and every failed relationship ended up the most convenient form of self-help, Shopping. A pair of shoes will soothed hurt feeling, broken heart could be mend by a handbag, powerlessness by a dress and the disappointment of love was replaced by the joy of Gucci. It is a society where everything is consumable.

But as we must, the characters in Sex and the City eventually had to deal with aging, babies that cannot be postponed any longer, illness, and death. For the characters to ring true, they had to face the questions that being human creates. And nothing else makes us more human than our decaying and aging bodies.

Albeit much that has been said, I am still as confused as I was with what the series is trying to portray, Heck it is not that I am saying that Sex and the City is a bad show, it was created by a gay guy for god sake, so how bad can it be?

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