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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Faith in God... Prayers in Heart

I was woken up from my sleep at 2.30 am by my mum, a rare occurance in my life. In the calmness of her voice and a tempered controlled of emotion she informed me that my elder brother is involved in an accident.

Still in between the realm of sleep and consciousness I tried to grasp what had been said. The few seconds that I took to comprehend what that had been said and to construct a meaningful comprehension of what was going on seems like an eternity to me. My mum then passed the phone to me and I answered it in my croacking voice. The person on the other end of the line was my niece, my brother's second daughter. Evident that she was in tears and was trying to control her emotion she told me in her broken voice that her father had met with an accident. I did not say much to her except asking her to get ready.

Fifteen minutes since the time that I received the dreadful call, my family and I embarked on the long and ardous journey to the hospital. The drive to the hospital seems like an eternity. The defeaning silence inside the car was only momentarily broken by the silent cries at the back seat.

We arrived at the hospital and was whisked towards the resuscitation room. Several enquiries and waiting, we were subsequently directed to the Surgical Intensive Care Unit of the hospital. It was almost two hours since receiving the call that my family and I got to see my brother for the first time. His mangle body from the impact of the accident was heart wrenching. We had to looked at his half covered face for several minutes before the realisation of what had happened struck deep into us. The tears that had been held back all this while, the anxiety of wanting to know what had happened all broke loose.

Wires and tubes were inserted in all the unlikely places that I could have imagine. A man in green robe and covered head with matching colours approached us silently from the back. His approached was measured and full of hesitatation as if to distrupt my family and I would be the biggest sin that he could commit. I turned to face him and acknowledged his presence. He identified himself in a whisper but the silence inside the room is defeaning enough that it carried his voice loud and across the room.

I asked the doctor of my brother's condition. He responded by showing me scans and x-rays films. I had lost interest in his explanation of my brother's condition partly as I my mind couldn't quite accept the explanation that was given. However the realisation of how serious my brother's condition hit me hard when I looked at the x-ray film of his legs. It then dawned on me that his condition is critical.

I dare not tell my family my brother's real condition. Now the healing begins. Let them remember him for what he is and hold on to the hope that he will recover. As for me my only place of solitude is in my faith in god. I can only bow my head and open my heart to the allmighty and with the hope that my prayers will be heard and answered by him.

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