As I sat through the movie, I was suddenly hit with the sudden realisation that the movies nowadays tends to be drearier and are about the end of the world. Hmmmmm now let me recapped, we have Armageddon (1998), Deep Impact (1998), The Day after Tomorrow (2004), War of the Worlds (2006) and I am Legend (2007) just to name a view. The genre of such movie seems to have caught the interest of many movie makers in Hollywood who had predicted the end of the world scenario in tandem with the scientific community predictions that the end of the world scenario may come sooner than many of us would thought it would be.
For those that have not watched the movie yet, The Day the Earth Stood Still is about yet another end of the world movie. For those that have not watched the movie yet and would not want to spoil the scene, I suggest that you stop reading now, but for if you want to save your money and spent it on something more worthwhile, then I suggest you carry reading and dont bother running to the cinema for it. Just wait for the release of the DVD and mind you do not even buy it, Just rent it so that after watching it in the comfort of your own home and time, you can return it back to the rental shop before the expiry of the rental period and swear to yourself never to rent such a movie again.
The movie is about how a group of aliens who had been on Earth for quite sometime now watching and observing us decided that humans are not worthwhile of continuing occupancy of Earth. Our continuing wars and constant parching of the earth made the aliens feel that it is time for the time of man to end and for earth to be cleansed. Fast forwading the movie an hour earlier nearing to the end, human civilisation was once agains spared, like any other disaster movie becaused of 'Love' where the aliend "Keanu Reeves' decided that human civilisation should be spared after falling in love with one of the heroin of the movie... so predictable. So as the story goes, human civilisation was yet again allowed to live on and flourished to do whaterver we are so good at doing. Things remain status quo.
The genre of this movie has a stark resemblance as with any other movies of its genre family. Earth is threatened, human civilisation was in the brink of extinction, human civilisation prevails and earth is spared and America emerges as the champions.... oops did I just say that. Though the storyline may be different however the movie is as predictable as the other movies that came before it.
And how has all the movies impacted us? Hmmmm I must say on a scale of 1 to 10 one being no implication and ten being an experience opener that changes our way of living, then I would say, that the scale is tipped closely to between 1 and 2. Apart from the entertainment value, I do not think that anyone that had caught the movie brought back anything meaningful from it. We still pollute the earth, we still go to war, we still scourge the earth in the name of industrialisation and modernisation. The only difference that the movies offers I would think that the scale of the disaster is getting worst thanks the computer animation.
If you felt utterly devastated after reading this, fret not as this year yet another move of the same genre will be in the cinema called 2010. The movie is again about the prediction of the end of the world based on the aryan's calendar. I cannot wait how the movie will turn out but one thing for certain it will revolve around the same plot, the same storyline and the same outcome. Earth will SURVIVE and human civilisation will prevail. Why Hollywood producers do not come out a movie where Earth is totally destroyed, human civilisation is wped out and the next prevailing species is monkey, i wonder. For god sake, get it done and over with. Least there is a closure.
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