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Monday, December 15, 2008

Remembering the Good Old Days

Photos by Rahimah.M

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DSC01160I was looking through my emails and clearing off the old emails (something that I ought have done long time ago) when I came across this pictures of me any my Bruneians friends when we were chilling out at Arab Street. (in clockwise, Fahmy, Rahimah, Rena and myself) and Siti is behind the camera taking the shots. Well someone has to be taking the shots aint it. The camera doesn't function by itself.

Chilling out was an interesting affair back then especially when we took the opportunity of the precious weekends to escape from the confine of the training academy. Arab Street has been a favourite haunts for us as that was where we will meet to chill and puff our youths away, hahaha yeah you guess it, smoking Sheeha. It is an unhealthy habit but well it was an interesting way of passing time especially with friends. Armed with laptops on our right hands and the sheesha pipes on our left we will pass the time to the early hours of the morning.

Here, all of us were posing with my former car, sigh I miss this car of mine before calling it a night. And if you guys were wondering what car is that, it is my humble Mazda 3 sports edition which I have mocked up with an open hood for air intake, roof stabiliser, front lip and sports spoiler. Well it does turn people heads around whenever I drive it around as they cant figure it out whether they are seeing a Mazda 3 or a Subaru WRX.

Well, to my Bruneians friends, chilling out at Arab Street has never been the same without you guys. I will keep the seat warm for you guys till the next time that you guys come visiting Singapore.

Cheerios !!

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