I have always wanted to adopt a cat after my beloved one of 17 years my wife that never was passed away. The day that my late cat passed away was one of the saddest moment in my life. Out of the sudden I felt a sudden void in the middle of my heart. The realisation that my cat was no longer with me only sank in at night when I twist and turn on my bed only to find it empty without her spread beside me. I have always thought of getting another one to replace her but the mere thought of getting another just made me feel guilty, the feeling of me not being faithful to her. Call me sentimental, but when you are closed to a cat since she was a mere one week old kitten to a cat of a ripe old age of 17 years old, you will know what I mean. Hell my relationship with her is even older and more lasting than most of the marriages nowadays. I bet it is even lasting than 3/4 of the current hollywood marriages, least my relationship with my late cat is cheap by standard and is not cluttered with the tussle and untidiness of couple dispute.
Months since 'belang' the name of my late cat, roughly translated as 'stripes' in English passed away, I have been giving it a serious thoughts of getting a replacement. Call it my weak spot, but I have always have a weak spot for a cat or any feline creature. The sight of a cat makes me 'awe' and ogle.
The decision to adopt another came on one faithful day of 8 December 08. As I was lazing on my bed surfing my facebook account, I came across a message on the 'marketplace' by another facebook user asking for someone to adopt her cat. As luck has it, I fell in love with the cat, not the user mind you. Though faith as it, she happened to be from the same school as I was back then. One thing lef to another and less than 48 hours later, I am the proud new owner of a two years old, health 16 kg cat. She is damn fat for a cat her age. I couldn't wait to see how our relationship will evolve. So far we are still in our honeymoon period and the walk is on a bed of roses.
Oh yeah I forgot, his name is Ronnie. Don't ask me how he end up having that name. I am thinking of changing his name since he apparently did not respond at all to Ronnie. Either he is ignoring it or oblivious to the fact that his name is 'RONNIE'. Either way in months to come I am sure gonna make him bilingual as my mum has difficulties speaking to him in English. The first bilingual cat in Singapore. I am quite sure that qualifies in some book of records somewhere don't you think so.

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